lundi 24 novembre 2008
dimanche 23 novembre 2008
mardi 11 novembre 2008
in voiaj
lundi 3 novembre 2008
End of the world Party - Casa Tralala
when you think about smth, the thing is to act, not only to think about. That`s what we did. Thought about having a nice Halloween party and ended up organizing the best costumed party Bucarest has ever seen. A lot of people came to join our 'fiesta', a lot more than we have expected. People were standing in line to get in, from 11 until 3 am. For about 7 hours the place was packed with cool caracters. Hope everyone had a great time. WE have definetely enjoyed this night and all the fuss that we have created around our event. Just briliant! New plans are now in progress, so most certainly we`ll see all these funny people in a new location, up for another great party in just a couple of weeks.
if you have any feedback you`d like to share with us, just post you comment.
End of the World Party was just the beginning of the end of normal parties . New dimensions, new opportunities, new crew, new vibe, big potential.
lundi 27 octobre 2008
dimanche 26 octobre 2008
short trip to the western lands, Timisoara, to be more specific.
enjoyed calm atmosphere during the day and extremely intense dancing after the sunset (TmBase stylin). Had no place to rush and a lot of places to unwind. Heard no horns, saw some bio-markets but ate at McD cause there where no restaurants open when we got munchies. nice story, no 38 and best thing of all, we walked a lot. .
On our return train we got pissed on everything, cause of the crap people!!!!, got no photos of them, but just imagine the smell, i`m not a racist so I don`t what to give names of such smelly minorities ... but they stink this country out.
lundi 20 octobre 2008
Beardyman beatboxing @ TMABASE 2008
geniaaal. TMBase 2008 was amasing. Honestly Beardyman was one af the best acts I saw in ages. Luckyly he had some laptop problems so he was forced to give us this brilant beatbox show. respect Timisoara! and the Tmbase crew for the lineup. worth the trip.
vendredi 17 octobre 2008
Thievery Corp. and me
In the end, i found myself dancing on stage with all the Corporation and other funny caracters that joined `la folie`. So, for couple of moments I saw what it means to be in front of 4000 people. Terrifying and adorable in the same time. Overwhelming and refreshing. Confusing but so clarifing. just try.
mercredi 15 octobre 2008
CZECHTEK guy rolling in front of 1000 policemen
during an ilegal rave in Ceska Republika. this guy is way too traquille :))
dimanche 12 octobre 2008
lights out in
For those of you that havent seen the new look of Studio Martin, get a glimpse of whats goin on. Its true that the quality of the film is quite poor but we were all in an altered state and just couldnt stand straight 4 more then couple secs.
vendredi 10 octobre 2008
Mr Schwartz Mr Hazen and Mr Horlocker
saw it at the Animest Festival.
sooooooooooooo funnnnyyyy. for more that one reason :d
jeudi 2 octobre 2008
mercredi 1 octobre 2008
lundi 29 septembre 2008
oslo vibe
jeudi 25 septembre 2008
mardi 23 septembre 2008
Francoise Hardy - Tous les Garcons et les Filles
oui mais moi, je vais seule par les rues, l'âme en peine
oui mais moi, je vais seule, car personne ne m'aime
(nu chiar, dar almost :))) )
Vampire Weekend - M79
Puri si simpli! Muzica lor e pentru zilele însorite, pentru plimbarile cu ipodul înfipt adânc in urechi. Ceea ce au născocit ei, e un fel de indie-pop, la care s-au adăugat note autentice de stare bună realizate printr-un amestec de tobe, tobitze, chitări, flaut si baterie plus influenţele muzicii africane. Mansard Roof, Oxford Comma, A-punk, M79 toate respiră aerul proaspat al stilului propus de aceşti new yorkezi curajoşi. E printre puţinele albume de pe care nu am cum să îmi aleg piesa preferată. So briliant!
(... more in the new Republik magazine)
El Guincho - Palmitos Park
Aer tropical, sunete de samba, cald, armonios, latin cam aşa suna El Guincho. Piesele se bazează pe numeroase îmbinari de sample-uri (motiv pentru care lansarea fizică a albumului a fost amânată câteva luni până la rezolvarea problemelor legate de drepturile de autor) si beaturi africane. Alegranza e un album de dans, care se ascultă si se vede in culori, aprinse clar. E un album care metamorfozează liniştea în fiesta. Sunetele le cunoşti deja doar că nu le-ai auzit niciodată astfel combinate. Albumul va fi lansat pe 6 octombrie şi e produs de XL Recordings.
(... read more in the new Republik magazine)
Blek Le Rat: Getting Through the Walls
Check this out. He`s the first guy that has ever done a stencil as a response to the new york graffiti scene in the 80s. He`s got the age of my father, but he doesn`t seem to have the same activities as a normal person his age would. He`s way to cool
jeudi 18 septembre 2008
Stereolab - Neon Beanbag
Jai pas ecri depuis quelques semaines.. ca fais deja presq 2 mois.
Jessaye de recouperer. Je commence avec quelques trucs qui m`ont enchante pendant la periode. J`espere vous faire plaisir avec ces sons totalement speciales.
mercredi 30 juillet 2008
New Order BBB
The Fabrique team went to Barcelona with a purpose ... to get new items for the next season from the Bread & Butter Trade Show. We have managed to talk to many cool people and get some important contacts. BBB Trade Show is really amasing. It gathers people from all over the world, all in search of perfect outfits. Just look at the atmosphere. Only good vibes coming from people with smiles on their faces. Can wait to get back!!