mardi 24 novembre 2009

renaissance in psychedelic research

Mainstreaming Psychedelics: From FDA to Harvard to Burning Man

samedi 14 novembre 2009

Weather manipulation is actually not as rare as one might think. Currently, 24 countries practice some kind of cloud seeding. Moscow's mayor keeps the Russian Air Force on cloud seeding duty to make sure it never rains on his parades (literally). The U.S. has dabbled with weather manipulation in attempts to curb the intensity of Gulf hurricanes back in the '60s, and the military seeded clouds over North Vietnam during the war there to extend the monsoon season. Oh, and the CIA seeded clouds in 1969 in an attempt to rain out the hippies gathering at Woodstock, but they partied right through it anyhow (that instance is unconfirmed, but groovy to think about).

vendredi 13 novembre 2009

lundi 9 novembre 2009

How we were breaking the Wall

20years after the communism.

there s hope for global union . learning from the past at least. if some are not able to understand on their own. peace.

mercredi 30 septembre 2009

mardi 29 septembre 2009

Beardyman and JFB at Camp Bestival main stage part 1

its time to double blog.

beardyman deserves

mardi 19 mai 2009

dimanche 10 mai 2009

mardi 24 mars 2009

ce am de zis? de ce nu dorm? ce tot fac? iar se face ora 5. nu ma mai mira in nici un fel. poate sa ma culc la ora 11 m-ar uimi putin. de p.m. vorbesc pt ca a.m. nu ma mira, da deloc.
nici nu caut motive pt toata situatia. its just a way of life, in these freakin times. internet hours go by so fast. what the fuck am I doin? Why cant I sleep? Do I have anything to say?

nonsense in my brain. from this insomniac way of living .... and this crazy tunes I keep findin

but lets get some sleep. cut the screamin and go on the other side of musical experiments with a classical warp fav choice, some Prefuse:

and now I cant stop from listening cause its so... brain perfect frequency channel

dimanche 15 mars 2009

samedi 14 mars 2009

simpatic acordeonul

party cu acordeon

Syrano - Matt l'automate

Syrano - Matt l'automate
Video sent by Lili-bellule

Un clip de Syrano, !
Bon rap ,avec de bonnes paroles =)

right about now

Invitation à la deuxième édition du festival d'arts numérique "Numerica" qui se déroule à Montbéliard du 13 au 15 mars 2009.

musique et vidéo : Willbe
modélisation 3D : Nytrik
inspiration : Fra

Freak Cabaret (freak parade 2008)

Freak Cabaret (freak parade 2008)
Video sent by starostagogo

"Freak-Cabaret" – это люди, которые скучным заученным движениям предпочитают ломаную пластику, а удобным костюмам - невероятные конструкции. Это смесь театра и клубной культуры. Это яркие персонажи и танцы без правил. В конце концов, это попытка окунуть зрителя в сказку или перенести на другую планету, заставить увидеть невероятное в обычных вещах.

Перформанс-театр "Freak-Сabaret" возник в клубной среде в начале 2003 года. Основатели коллектива - фрик-модельер Нася Демич и хореограф Света Смайл.

mardi 10 mars 2009

days go by. on a Monday.

mercredi 21 janvier 2009

mardi 13 janvier 2009

Alexandrina Hristov

genial ritm, excelenta vocea