mardi 25 mars 2008

Ilegal party - la teuf

en France.. Cest la folie...

lundi 24 mars 2008

La teuf

Party in the middle of nowhere! Somewhere over the hills, lots of cars, vans and dogs. People, party people, khaos people. Anyway.. Anything but normal people... kind of enjoyed the vibe, the sensation of just being able to do "n`importe quoi".

Vendredi - derniere soiree du tirbouchon

mercredi 19 mars 2008

Tjrs motives pour faire la fete

Toujours la... toujours jusqu`a la fin... toujours la fete

back to tram ... en velo

Diario de velo

Et donc.. je pense que from now on my blog`s name should be.... diario de velo.

Chill tranquille / study

lundi 17 mars 2008

Concert "bazar muzical vivant".

Semaine de l`environnement. Concert d`un groupe de musique tzigane: Baskatine. Regardez le bordel!!!

jeudi 13 mars 2008

ehee.. le velomagg

A partir d`aujourdhui ... je bouge en velo. I`m one of montpel`s bikers now!!! Trop cool. Merci Dimitra & Oz. :)

joyeux anniversaire Mela

Some more party pics. ohhh.. nuuu.. iar party. De data asta marti seara. Same famous basement: "Chez Rif". party theme: disco.
Normal, ne-am lungit pana p la 5am. Chillin & drinkin. Miercuri e zi libera pt mine. Asta imi e scuza. hihihihi

Delir de samedi

So? Seara de sambata. Rien de special. Apartament. Petrecere. Muzica incet. Multa socializare la tzigare pe balcon. Mult ras.
Ola! Belen y Elena. Salut, les mecs!

dimanche 9 mars 2008

mercredi 5 mars 2008

One more goodbye party

Where was Claudia?

So.. one more goodbye party. This time, some close friends. Feels a bit weird when someone`s leaving for good.. anyway, we had fun. That`s what matters. A bientot, Christian & Philip.